Why Buy Property in Southland

Making the step to buy a house is a big one and deciding where to do this can be an even more difficult decision. When it comes to finding the perfect place to invest in property, Southland, New Zealand, often flies under the radar. However, this stunning region offers a myriad of compelling reasons why it should be at the top of your list. From affordability to natural beauty, here’s why buying property in Southland is a smart decision.

It's well known that Southland is one of the most affordable regions in New Zealand. The average house price in Southland is $445,000 according to OPES Partners*. Comparing this to the big city of Auckland, notorious for its high housing prices, where you’re looking at $1,030,000 as an average price mark for houses. Over double the average in Southland! This makes our brilliant province the ideal oasis for those looking to purchase their first home, for investors seeking solid returns, or those looking for a cost-effective, more rewarding lifestyle.

Another great reason to choose Southland is our breathtaking scenery. From the beautiful coasts of Stewart Island to the extreme views of Fiordland, not to mention the hunting and fishing all around Southland. So many travel all across the world to see such sights, living here and getting to experience these natural wonders any time you please a major draw card for Southland. Also in close vicinity to Southland is Central Otago. With Queenstown and the snow slopes being only a short drive it’s the perfect way to get the most out of Otago without having to pay inflated housing prices. The average house prices in Queenstown are reaching $1,677,669 according to OPES Partners* this is over three times the amount for Southland. This certainly makes a couple of hours drive seem not so bad.

Southland is a great option for those who don’t like waiting in long lines of traffic or just general busyness. In fact, most towns in Southland don’t even have traffic lights, so the fear of being late to work due to busy traffic is almost nonexistent. This can be a majorly attractive reason that people decide to make the move to Southland. The quietness and tranquility makes for a great place for families to thrive and for those in their twilight years to settle comfortably into retirement.

Southland is home to a number of thriving industries including Tiwai, which is a source of income (directly or indirectly) for many in the region. Tiwai have recently confirmed that they are going to remain open for a further 20 years giving security and certainty to many. The threat of Tiwai closing sparked a huge undertaking in Southland to look at alternative industries to develop. Now with Tiwai remaining open as well as these new opportunities- the outlook is great. Of course, the ‘backbone’ agriculture industry is strong with around 5,300 farms in the area and being one of the biggest milk producers in New Zealand. This thriving outlook for Southland also lends itself well to those looking for commercial investments. It’s not only commerce that’s excelling. With the development of the new mall, new hotels and general redevelopment in Invercargill – it’s a lovely place to be.

It really depends on preference, but Southland has a bit of something for everyone and remains a safe and sound, tight-knit community for all. So why not move here?



* https://www.opespartners.co.nz/property-markets from research conducted in April 2024


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